What comes to mind when you hear the term strongest animals? Most people immediately think of massive creatures – after all, size is often associated with strength. However, true strength isn’t just about bulk.
An animal’s power is actually measured by how much weight it can lift relative to its own body mass. This means some of the strongest animals on Earth aren’t the biggest! In fact, some of the most impressive powerhouses are surprisingly small but can carry many times their own weight.
Strength in the animal kingdom takes many forms, from lifting and pulling to biting and enduring extreme conditions. Some of these creatures hold incredible records that will leave you amazed. Let’s explore 10 of the world’s strongest animals and their fascinating abilities!
01. Bald Eagle: The Swift Aviator

Why Strong Animal?
When soaring, an eagle is able to lift something up to four times its own body weight.
Fun Fact:
- Bald eagles do not have vocal cords yet they are able to make high-pitched and interesting sounds. One of the main purposes of these calls is to warn their enemies from coming close to their nest.
- Bald Eagles’ eyesight is so sharp that they are able to see 4 to 5 times farther than the average human can.
- Bald Eagles do not have sweat glands, hence, they do not sweat. To cool themselves down, they will either open their mouth to pant or to rest under a shade.
- A Bald Eagle has high tolerance towards cold weather. This is due to their thick feathers and cold-resistant feet.
02. Tiger: The Ferocious Fighter

Why Strong Animal?
As the largest cat species, a tiger can carry some 550kg, twice its own body weight.
Fun Fact:
- Tiger has very strong and sharp teeth, and their sense of survival is mainly dependent on their visual and auditory sense.
- Tigers are effective predators not just on land, but in waters too. Being good swimmers, they can easily pound on their preys while lurking in the waters.
- Tiger has powerful forelimbs and large heads. The stripes on their bodies serve as a means of camouflaging, concealing themselves when they are hunting for their preys.
- A small downfall fact about Tigers would be their short-span stamina; tigers get tired easily. They are great racers on a short-sprint, but not over long distances.
03. African Elephant: The Gigantic Stomper

Why Strong animal?
An African elephant can weigh up to 6,350kg and carry up to 9,000kg, equivalent to the weight of 130 adult humans! Its trunk, containing around 100,000 muscles can lift up to 270 kgs.
Fun Fact:
- Elephants have four molars, each measuring about 30cm and weighing 5kgs. Elephants will replace their teeth four to six times in their lifetime.
- Ironically, African elephants do not have good digestive system, yet they are able to eat up to 450 kilograms of vegetation per day, out of which only 40% of the consumed food is properly digested.
- African elephants are one of the most intelligent species in the world. At the same time, they have the capability to display a variety of behaviors, similar to a human being. To name a few, some of the behaviors could be associated with sadness, compassion, self-awareness and working in a team.
- African elephants’ brains, weighing just over 5kgs, are by far larger than that of other land animals.
04. Grizzly Bear: The Strong Protector

Why Strong Animal?
Grizzly Bear, sometimes known as ‘brown bear’, has the ability to lift over 500kg, 0.8 times its body weight.
Fun Fact:
- Grizzly bears are large and range in colors from very light tan (almost white) to dark brown. Their long claws at their front feet assist them in their food hunting.
- When it comes to protecting their young, the Grizzlies can be very aggressive. In face of danger, Grizzlies will usually hold their ground and defend against their attackers.
- Diet of grizzlies consists of both plants as well as animals. They are known for preying on large mammals such as moose, mule deer, big horn sheep, etc. On top of that, they will also feed on fish and birds.
- When it comes to communication, grizzlies make use of sounds, movement and smells. They will make sounds such as growling when communicating with their young. They rub their bodies on trees to draw attention to other bears making known of their presence.
05. Gorilla: The Proud Beast

Why Strong Animal?
A Gorilla can lift around something 2,000kg (as heavy as 30 humans), over 10 times their body weight.
Fun Fact:
- Gorillas’ arms are longer than their legs and they typically knuckle walk.
- Interestingly, Gorillas are actually quite shy yet social animals. Most of their activities are done during daytime as they are diurnal animals.
- The oldest and largest Silverback (male Gorilla) will usually play the role of a leader in leading their family. Gorillas typically live in groups of 6-12.
- Being a protector of its family, the Silverback tends to be the most aggressive. When danger is before a Silverback, the Silverback will pound on his chest and charge.
06. Dung Beetle: The Comical Roller

Why Strong Animal?
A Dung Beetle is the world’s strongest insect as it is being able to pull 1,141 times its own body weight. To understand such strength, just imagine an average human being who has the strength to pull six double-decker buses packed with people.
Fun Fact:
- Dung Beetles rely on their sensitive sense of smell in their daily quest for dung.
- Once a dung is captured, Dung Beetle will roll the dung ball away, in a straight line fashion. To prevent their dung ball from being stolen, they will have to roll the dung away quickly away from the dung pile once captured.
- Dung beetles can roll up to 50 times their weight!
- Dung excretions of herbivores and omnivores are some of Dung Beetle’s daily diet, besides mushrooms, decaying fruits and leaves.
07. Leafcutter Ant: The Diligent Team player

Why Strong Animal?
Leafcutter ants can lift and carry in their jaws something 50 times their own body weight of about 500 mg equivalent of a human lifting a truck with its teeth.
Fun Fact:
- When slicing off pieces of leaves, Leafcutter ants’ powerful jaws will vibrate a thousand times a second. Imagine that!
- Leafcutter Ants’ colonies are made up of different types of workers such as soldier leafcutter, and gardener leaf cutter.
- Up to 8 million workers can reside within a colony of Leafcutter Ants.
- The nests of the Leafcutter ants can be so big that there is an in-built ventilation system within the nests.
08. Musk Ox: The Resilient Penetrator

Why Strong Animal?
An Ox, usually referred as a work animal, can pull and carry something as heavy as 900kg, 1.5 times its body weight.
Fun Fact:
- Musk Ox, one of the Ox species, has hooves so strong that they can penetrate through solid ice in the Artic zone, just so that they can obtain water.
- Musk Oxen are known to be clever strategists when facing their predators such as wolves. They adopt either the line formation against a lone predator or a circle formation when faced with a group. Their strong and deadly horns come into good use when they charge against their enemies.
- Musk Oxen has long thick fur which acts as a great thermal insulator in extreme cold weathers, a condition which most animals find it hard to survive.
- Despite being slow movers, a Musk Oxen can actually run for short distances at speeds up to 25 mph (40 kph).
09. Rhinoceros Beetle: The Tiny Hercules

Why Strong Animal?
Rhinoceros Beetles can lift objects 850 times their weight, similar to a human lifting 9 fully grown elephants!
Fun Fact:
- Rhinoceros beetles can sometimes be known as Hercules beetle, as they possess great strength.
- These cool animals make hissing sounds when they are being disturbed. The hiss comes about because they rub their stomach and wing covers together.
- Rhinoceros beetles have large wings that allow them to take flight when night falls.
- Their big size allows them to store fat and enable them to fly long distances without getting hungry.
10. Anaconda: The Vicious Hugger

Why Strong Animal?
Being the heaviest snake in the world, an Anaconda can squeeze something the same as its own 250kg body weight to death.
Fun Fact:
- Anaconda is capable of hunting for its prey both on the ground and in the waters. However, it appeared that it prefers to spend its life in water where it can move more easily.
- Anaconda can immerse itself within the waters for 10 minutes before it needs to emerge to the surface for some air.
- An anaconda feeds mainly on fish, turtles, pigs, deer and even jaguars. When eating smaller meal, they can consume up to 40 pounds. On the other hand, a consumed large meal is enough to sustain an Anaconda for a few weeks.
- Anaconda is not poisonous snake. It normally make use of its strong body to kill its prey by wrapping its body around its victim and squeeze them until they die of suffocation.
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